(+389) 070 376 213

Environmental Protection

The environment is our number 1 imperative. No business goal is more important than it.
Environmental protection policy

Paper Mill possesses and operates in full compliance with the A Integrated License issues by the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning of the Republic of North Macedonia. Paper Mill is dedicated to the protection of the natural environment in all aspects of its operations, in order to meet and exceed the local and national efforts to create a healthy lining environment. It is for this purpose that the company advances and develops its operating and manufacturing processes, introduces new technologies and implements an environmental management system in compliance withe the international standards ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and FSC C139985, thus improving its overall environmental protection policy.
This environmental protection policy of the company encompasses all of the manufacturing processes and establishes a base for reducing the impact upon the environment as well as promotes a wider ecological awareness in the community. The management and all the employees are devoted to applying the principles of the environmental protection policy. Basic principles guaranteed by this policy include:

Defining, monitoring and control of the ecological goals

Protecting the environment and establishing systems and conditions for prevention of unwanted impact on the environment

Full compliance with all of the legal norms and regulations for environmental protection in the Republic of North Macedonia and the European Union

Constantly upgrading the technologies and the systems for improving the ecological performance of the factory

Constantly identifying possible risks and regular control for risk prevention

Further improvement of Environmental Management System in accordance with international standards

As a part of the Unitrade Cluster, a group that operates in the European Union, the environmental protection policy of Paper Mill is in full compliance with the modern European standards. Paper Mill invests in, and implements a special Air Protection Program that includes several measures to protect the air, many of which have already been implemented. The factory uses only biofuels as its energy source, i.e. biomass made of sunflower pellets and biogas, i.e. methane. In the past, a reconstruction of the existing vessels has been performed, thus enabling a reduced energy consumption as well as a significant reduction of harmful emissions in the air. Another additional and significant investment includes the installation of a baghouse filter that significantly reduces the emission of particulates into the air. This way, the operation of Paper Mill is in full compliance with the European environmental protection standards.

Certificates / Ecological Licenses

Paper Mill is the only waste paper and cardboard recycling facility in the Republic of North Macedonia and the total waste paper and cardboard quantity processed in our factory counts towards the achieving of the national goals. The factory carries out regular emissions measurement and control in every segment of the production process in order to abide by and comply with the A Integrated License, quality standards, health and safety at work, energy management and forests sustainability.
The raw material that Paper Mill uses consists exclusively of paper derived from used products and paper remainders during production. It processes them so as to manufacture packing and packaging paper, uncoated cardboard, flipping, pressed cardboard, coating paper or tester.
Paper Mill possesses certificates for compliance with international standards:

Manufacturing Technology

Paper and cardboard manufacturing process is an organized way that needs to obtain maximum product quality with minimum waste and optimal energy utilization. The 100% waste paper is the only raw material that is used for the manufacturing. By using 100% waste paper as a raw material for manufacturing while using biofuels as energy input as well as industrial water, we create a product that has a closed and sustainable lifecycle. This turns the recycled products into the most sustainable packaging solution. Apart from the standard raw materials, the process uses auxiliary raw materials, such as: modified starch, anionic starch, cationic starch, etc. The following technological processes take part in the facility: sorting of waste paper, de-fibering, cleaning, grinding, forming, drying of the paper and laboratory analysis, i.e. quality control.

  • Waste paper sorted in bales  is transported by a forklift to a conveyor belt that transports the paper to the next stage, de-fibering in a primary de-fibering machine.
  • Recirculated fresh water is used to dissolve, soften and coarsely de-fiber the mass from the waste paper. Paper additives, such as hemp, wire, plastic and the like are removed from the pulper with a gripper or manually. The main objective is to obtain a sufficiently dense uniform substance of the pulper with the help of pumps and pipelines and to transport it into a collection tub.
  • From the collection tub, the process then continues with grinding of the paper pulp. In the so-called mixing tub, one adds the necessary auxiliary raw materials to improve the mechanical properties of the paper.
  • On the paper machine, the paper is dewatered and formed on the screen. Then it is pressed in a pressing section and then dried in a drying section.
  • In the drying section, saturated vapor is used to dry the paper, so that the paper belt comes out with a degree of dryness between 92-94%.
  • The basic parameters of the paper are monitored and controlled by a process computer, depending on the imput parameters.
  • The process of the additional processing consists of winding the drums into rolls that are cut according to a particular commercial request and packed with a tape and stretch film.
  • Recycled paper is not ready to be delivered to the customers where it will obtain a new useful shape.

The installation of Paper Mill follows business indicators / КРІ (Key Performance Indicator) for the water consumption in relation to a tone of final product, that moves around 50 m3/ton. It takes around 1,3 tonnes of waste paper to produce one ton of finished paper product. Paper Mill has an installed capacity to manufacture 15.000 tonnes of finished product per year.

After the installation of the sand filters in the manufacturing plant of the installation, a large quantity of the water will be recirculated into the process, thus significantly reducing the quantities of water entering the treatment plant, thereby significantly reducing the emission of wastewater. For treating the industrial wastewater that is produced by the operation of Paper Mill there is an ongoing project for the construction of a treatment plant, which will provide a high degree of purified wastewater. In the boiler room, a new steam boiler with a capacity of up to 4 MW has been installed for the production of 6 tons of industrial steam per hour and it uses biofuel as energy input, i.e. ecological fuel made of bio-waste remains derived from agricultural plants, sunflower pellets.

National goals for waste paper recycling

In view of the fact that Paper Mill is the only plant for the recycling of waste paper in the Republic of North Macedonia, the share of the company in meeting of the national recycling goals is extremely important. The present capacity of the Paper Mill plant is suitable receive, recycle, and process the total quantity of the waste paper in the Macedonia.
The national waste paper recycling goals have been set by the Ministry of Environment and Upatial Planning.

Results From Emission Measurements

  • Акредитираната лабораторија согласно прописите на ЕУ LABLAND, на 01.02.2022 година изврши теренски мерења на квалитетот на воздухот според методите на мерење усогласени со барањата на Државниот инспекторат за животна средина. Мерењата покажуваат вредности на количество на прав во димните гасови по овој редослед: Мерење 1 – 96 mg/Nm³; Мерење 2 - 65 mg/Nm³ и Мерење 3 - 145 mg/Nm³. Нормата за овој показател за фабриката според А интегрираната дозвола издадена од Министерството за животна средина е 150mg/Nm³, што значи дека резултатите се значително пониски од пропишаното.
  • Акредитираната лабораторија согласно прописите на ЕУ LABLAND, на 06.12.2022 година изврши теренски мерења на квалитетот на воздухот според методите на мерење усогласени со барањата на Државниот инспекторат за животна средина. Мерењата покажуваат вредности на количество на прав во димните гасови по овој редослед: Мерење 1 – 79 mg/Nm³; Мерење 1 – 84 mg/Nm³ и Мерење 3 - 109 mg/Nm³. Нормата за овој показател за фабриката според А интегрираната дозвола издадена од Министерството за животна средина е 150mg/Nm³, што значи дека резултатите се значително пониски од пропишаното.
  • Согласно официјалните резултати на акредитираната меѓународната лабораторија LABLAND за мерењата направени на средината на септември оваа година, вредностите на емисии на количество на прав во димните гасови во воздухот се до дваесет пати пониски вредности од нормата. Резултатите на контролното мерење на според методите на мерење усогласени и одобрени од страна на Државниот инспекторат за животна средина, покажуваат резултати согласно следниот редослед: Мерење 1 – 24,9 mg/Nm³; Мерење 2 – 12,9 mg/Nm³; Мерење 3 – 27,0 mg/Nm³. Нормата за овој показател за фабриката е 150 mg/Nm.
  • Акредитираната лабораторијата SGS, на 22 април 2021 година изврши теренски мерења на квалитетот на воздухот според методите на мерење усогласени и одобрени од страна на Државниот инспекторат за животна средина. Мерењата покажуваат вредности на количество на прав во димните гасови по овој редослед: Мерење 1 – 3,61mg/Nm³; Мерење 2 – 88,2mg/Nm³; Мерење 3 – 19,7mg/Nm³ и Мерење 4 – 6,42mg/Nm³. Нормата за овој показател за фабриката е 150mg/Nm³, што значи дека резултатите се и значително пониски од пропишаното.
